How Can You Treat Teeth Sensitivity Get Idea From - Cosmo Dental Clinic
Sensitive teeth are the root of major dental problems. If you also suffer from teeth sensitivity , you should know the effective treatments and precautions to stay protected. In this article, you will learn about home remedies and dentist-required treatments to cure sensitive teeth. How Will Your Dentist Treat The Teeth Sensitivity? Dentists recommend the following treatments for teeth sensitivity: Fluoride In this treatment procedure, dentists will apply fluoride to your sensitive tooth. It will help reduce the pain and strengthen your tooth enamel. Moreover, you can apply the prescribed fluoride at your home through a custom tray to eliminate sensitivity. Desensitising or bonding If there are exposed root surfaces in your teeth, dentists will apply bonding resin to treat teeth sensitivity . However, this treatment must be done under local anaesthesia as it can be painful. Desensitising your toothpaste Have you heard about desensitising toothpaste? The...